These days, we all have so much going on that finding time to learn how to properly clean your laminate floors can be tough. With our busy lives, taking care of our families and working at the office, it's hard to find time to clean. It's no wonder the low-maintenance option of laminate flooring has become so popular!
Even though laminate flooring is relatively low maintenance, many people make the mistake of thinking that it should be cleaned like any other floors - but that is just not the case. Not only does it take longer to clean laminate flooring, but cleaning laminate floors incorrectly could cause severe damage. Too much moisture can cause laminate tile and planks to swell, warp and even come dislodged. Good news though, deep cleaning laminate floors don't have to be done all that often. Not needing to deep clean is especially true when you're cleaning wood look laminate flooring. The wood grain pattern does a great job of making dirt almost unnoticeable. So, understanding how to clean your laminate floors will add years to your home floors, keeping them beautiful for ages. That's why we're sharing the best way to clean your laminate floors!

Waterproof Accustoms Laminate in Creme
Quick Tip:
Spills happen, but an excess of liquids on laminate floors can be very damaging. Moisture can leak into the cracks between planks or tiles, causing them to expand and become loose. When possible, clean up any spills, even those that seem insignificant, as soon as they occur.
Step 1: Start Cleaning Your Laminate Flooring with a Microfiber Dust Mop
Once all of your furniture is moved out of the way, use a microfiber dust mop and start brushing your flooring in the same direction the planks are running. We recommend using a microfiber dust mop to avoid scratching the floor's finish. It is important to note that when performing this step of the laminate floor cleaning process, you work in the same direction as the planks - this will allow you to remove more dust and dirt that is hiding in the cracks. It's also a good idea to use the hose attachment of your vacuum cleaner for getting the dust out of the corners.
Step 2: Apply Laminate Floor Cleaner
For this step, you will need a professional hard surface cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Mops and/or shine products should never be used on your laminate flooring, as they will dull the finish of your floors. Additionally, laminate flooring should never be waxed or polished, if they are, they will become dangerously slick. Ask your sales associate for recommended cleaning products to be sure that you don't void any manufacturer warranties.
You will only need a small amount of cleaning solution to thoroughly wipe down your floors (remember, you never want to get too much moisture on your laminate flooring). Apply the laminate cleaner onto your microfiber cloth and start buffing! Be sure to lightly re-squirt your cloth as needed throughout the cleaning process.
Step 3: Dry Your Laminate Floors
You will need to dry the floors once they are clean. While this may seem like an unnecessary step (especially if you did an excellent job of using very little moisture while cleaning), laminate floors have a tendency to water-spot. The best way to keep your laminate floors completely clean is to hand-dry them. By drying your laminate floors with a towel, you will avoid water spots and leave your flooring sparkling.
How to Clean Laminate Flooring - Extra Tips
Rugs can add a touch of beauty to your laminate flooring, but they also can protect your floors. Place rugs in high-traffic areas, halls, and in front of the couch to keep your floors looking brand new.
Using felt padding under the legs of furniture will keep your laminate floors from becoming scratched.
Do not use floor cleaning products with ammonia. Ammonia, over time, can remove the protective coating applied to your laminate floor.
Never steam clean laminate floors. Excessive water and heat will damage the floor.
Crayon stains and even shoe scuffs can be easily cleaned off of your laminate floors by rubbing them with an old nylon stocking.
Remember, if you properly care for your laminate floors, they will keep looking like the day they were installed. Thinking about investing in new laminate flooring?
Learn more about how to buy laminate flooring here.